
Bitcoin Suisse Club Return 50X in 5 Hours Min 0.005 btc

Multiply 45X Your Bitcoins
Bitcoin Suisse Club Return 50X in 5 Hours Min 0.005 btc
77x bitcoin

What is Bitcoin Suisse Club?

Bitcoin Suisse Club is the online platform of the Urbi et Orbi LTD company, a leading provider and manager of crypto and DeFi investment products. The launch of the platform bitcoinsuisse.top is an important step in the development of the company.

How to invest?

Investing in our website is simple. First of all you need to fill deposit form (available here) providing your Bitcoin wallet address where you wish to receive investment profit, your email address and amount of your deposit. Remember to carefully provide deposit amount because in the next step (payment form) you will got special deposit address where bitcoins need to be send WITH EXACT AMOUNT shown on payment form. Thats all! After sending bitcoins you will se information that transaction is completed and you can go back or close page.

How to get profit?

Profit payouts are automatically paid after 5 hours, you do not need to do anything. There may be some delay when profit arrives at your wallet because of network confirmations (that could take up to 20 minutes).

Why your new investment is not visible?

After making investment and payment your deposit transaction will be visible after 6 confirmations from bitcoin network. Remember that transactions sent with low provision will receive confirmations slowly, so we recommend to always give proper provision according yo your Bitcon Wallet (eg. Electrum, Armory or any ither such as online wallets, stock exchanges wallets etc.).

What means Bitcoin Doubler profit (5000% profit) in 5 hours?

It means that you will receive profit that is two times greather that your deposit. For example, when you make deposit of 0.01 BTC you will receive 0.5 BTC after 5 hours. You will also receive some more satoshi according to payment form. Other words – you will receive 50x investment in time of 5 hours.

How much can you invest?

There is limit of maximum 5 Bitcoin per transaction, minimum investment limit is 0.005. Please remember that transactions less than 0.005 BTC may not be credited . There is no transactions limits per user – you can make as many transactions as you want (every with maximum 5 BTC limit) – that gives you opportunity to invest more than 5 Bitcon in short period of time.

What is “status” shown on your investitions list?

Every user that make much transactions or use some promotions made by us can increase hes status what gives faster profit payouts, more percent profit and access to other investment options.


all of your investments are stored on your browser so be sure that you have cookies enabled (cookies are required to using our website).

Investment method

We accept only Bitcoin (BTC) and pay profit in this Cryptocurrency, any other crypto or FIAT currency are not used.


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